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English translation for "term birth of multiple newborns"


Related Translations:
birth:  n.1.出生,诞生;生产,分娩。2.出身,家系;血统;门第,家世。3.起源,开始。4.〔古语〕产物,产儿。短语和例子the date of one's birth 生日。 A still [difficult] birth 死[难]产。 Five young at a birth 一胎产五仔。 A person of birth [of no birth ] 出身高贵[卑微
acute necrotizing enteritis in newborn:  新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎
birth agemarital:  年龄不榱浔鸪錾率年龄婚龄别出生率
birth stones:  诞生石
birth date:  出生年月日出生日期
partial birth:  不全产
birth pill:  (口服)避孕丸。
delayed birth:  过期产
retarded birth:  过期产妊期延长延迟分娩
birth day:  生日
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